Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Doctrine of Motherhood and its Partnership with Priesthood Power

The Doctrine of Motherhood

Keys and A Doorway
Imagine standing in a room with loved ones, family and friends. There is a doorway in this room that leads to the next life and eternal salvation. One person has the keys but it is up to the rest of us to invite, lead, guide and help others through the doorway. If we are only focused on the keys and not the doorway we will not make it and we will lose opportunities to help our loved ones. The keys offer no additional wealth other than the service they provide. They benefit all of those in the room and all partake of the blessings of the keys even though in this scenario there is only one that holds them.

Why did Jacob see Jesus?

Sometimes I write blog posts that are more rambling thought and I never publish them. This is one that I stumbled back on and I found it i...