Sunday, December 6, 2015

A 6 hour conversation with a Muslim Woman

As part of a scout requirement I've been reading the news headlines with my 11 yr old boys daily. Because of this they have seen recent terrorist attacks play out more than they have before and we have had hard conversations about things which are happening in the world.

This morning while getting something from downstairs I came upon my 11 year old in prayer.

Because of the beauty of the scene and the light beaming behind him I quietly snapped a picture. I am not sure if it is inappropriate to take a picture of such a personal moment but I am so glad I did. It is something I want to remember...forever.

I do worry about their future. I worry about the world that they will grow up in. 
But I choose hope. I choose faith. Against the darkness the light will grow brighter. 

On a recent 6 hour flight to Paris, just right before the terrorist attacks, I had an interesting conversation with a Muslim woman about Islam and the LDS faith. 

In the very beginning of our conversation I knew I was going to love sitting next to her. She was well educated and very dedicated to her way of life and to her beliefs. I knew a lot about Islam but she didn't know much about my faith. On my mission sometimes I reflected on how similar Islam was to many of our beliefs. She was surprised to discover that we too fast, that we give tithes, that we abstain from alcohol among other things, that we have a code of health, believe strongly in a family unit, in living a moral life and congregate in temples. All of these things have similarities to the pillars of Islam. In talking with her and those who share her faith I am very careful. In my mission we could not teach Muslims especially Muslim women. It was dangerous for them if we did and also dangerous for us. But she kept asking questions so I did answer them.

As we talked more she became very interested in my thoughts about my own 5 boys and raising them in our western society. She said that it was difficult for her family- they lived in a predominately Muslim community before where there was no alcohol, drugs or other things available. But she moved them to the United States and her kids start to live a double life and can't handle the agency and availability of these things. Some turn to extremism while others are lost.

She said that this lost feeling has happened in her family as well as many others that she knew. "How do you keep your kids free from these things?" She asked. I'm supposing she meant "you" as in plural to my faith. I told her we train our children that it isn't a matter of "if" but "when" they will be faced with these decisions. We try to prepare them with what these situations might look like, what to do as an alternative and with a knowledge of the blessings that come from living a certain way. I told her we hold family prayers, family scripture study, family counsels and family home evenings and I best tried to explain these principles. It made me think deeply about the blessings that come with living within the reach of the gospel. I didn't even begin to talk about primary, young men's, young women's or scouts. I didn't discuss family meals, family vacations, for strength of youth, the expectations of the priesthood or deacons and priests and their weekly responsibilities and duties.

I didn't talk about firesides, youth conferences, EFY or any of these other things. But as I have thought through them since I have been amazed. The role of the family unit is vital in our society! Teaching the gospel in the home is the greatest layer of protection that a youth can have. If this layer of protection is there these other things add to it but without it these things can also act as continual invitations.

I was also impressed by the role that "agency" has in our eternal salvation and how this applies to the conversation that I had with this Amazing woman. I have done a lot of research on this subject, gospel wise and this is a post for another day but to sum up Agency is what sets us apart from the other elements of the Universe and the other creations of our Maker. This agency when exercised and used for good propels us forward in our progression. Without our agency we can not increase, grow or move forward.

After my husband and I returned home from Europe and saw the attacks that happened in Paris my heart was heavy. I thought of this woman. She was on route to Morocco to adopt a baby with her daughter. I hoped for her safe return and wished her the best. It opened my eyes once more to the full light of the gospel. It made me so grateful for these programs that our available through the organization of the church that add that extra layer of protection.

It made me so grateful for my own little boys. I do worry about them. That is a mothers lot, but I do have faith in them and I will do all I can do give them the most opportunities in this life and the next. They are a Ray of Hope in the darkness of the world. Their faith is strong and it is such an honor to be apart of that!

Muslims and Mormons have a lot in common but we also have differences especially in the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Here is a recent statement from the Leaders of the LDS church in response to Donald Trumps call to ban Muslim travel.

Also here is an LDS article on Muhammad which I found interesting. 

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