Friday, January 9, 2015

Someone is Waiting

Someone is Waiting
In the “38 Random acts of Kindness” post I referred to an experience of knowing that the Lord can lead us to people that need our help. This is that experience.

A prayer inspired by a story
When my husband and I were first married we lived in a small apartment in Pleasant Grove. One day I was seated comfortably in my armchair reading stories from the Ensign. One story in particular seemed to prick my heart. It was a story about a visiting teacher who listened to the spirit and was inspired to drop by another sister’s home at a crucial time of need.

I read this story and felt a yearning desire to be like this visiting teacher. I wanted to be so in tune to the spirit that I would know when I was needed by the Lord for an errand. Or to know when someone else was in need. I put my magazine down, knelt on my knees and asked the Lord in prayer to help me be more like this sister and to be in tune to the spirit in order to help others in the future. I then returned to my chair and again began reading.

A little while and a few pages later an impression came to my mind. It was that I should go to the local thrift store. It was strong feeling and I knew it was a prompting. I didn't associate it with my earlier prayer of helping others. It didn't occur to me that this feeling was tied to that at all. In fact, I was in the process of furnishing our small apartment with items that I had refinished and I was in search of a coffee table. Since I believed that tithing blessings often came in the form of deals for me I thought that I was being inspired to find the exact piece that I was looking for. Maybe someone had just dropped one off!

The girl and her grandpa
So I jumped in my car and drove to Deseret Industries. As I pulled up and parked I noticed a girl about my age (early 20's at the time) standing in front of the store. Next to her was an aged man who looked like he might be her grandfather. She was looking out towards the road earnestly with her head slightly tilted up. I was sure from their appearance and a few cultural hints that they spoke Spanish.  I got out of my car and rushed by them into the store excited to find my treasure. But as I passed by I knew from the feeling that I got inside that they were the reason that I was there. They were the reason for the prompting. It took me a moment to process this. I still tried to press on, since I had it in my mind that I was going to find a coffee table, but the more steps I took towards the inside of the store the more I felt like I might light on fire. The feeling was so strong.

I knew without a doubt that I had to turn around and somehow approach these strangers for some reason but I wasn’t sure what to say or do. I gathered a little courage and asked the girl in Spanish if she needed help. Her eyes widened as she looked at me in surprise. She was somewhat shocked and began to tell me that her car had broken down on the freeway and her and her grandfather were stranded. They were able to get a ride to the thrift store to make a call but they could not get a hold of any family members. She was new to the area and was not sure what to do.

Lets push the car
After a little talking we decided that I would drive them back to the car and we would see if it would start but it wouldn’t. The car was close to the exit with a gas station however, so I offered to push the car if she steered. Her grandpa and I began to push it. It wasn’t 10 seconds before 4 cars loaded with men and boys stopped and helped to pushed the car the rest of the way. It made me laugh at how helpless we must have looked a young girl an old man pushing a car on the freeway in order to get such a sudden and strong response but we were all grateful.

I stayed with this girl and her grandfather until family came. It was before cell phones, or at least before everyone had one so it was a little more difficult to get a hold of people. Just before I left this beautiful girl I told her what had happened. How I had felt the prompting and how I knew walking by her that she was the reason that I was there. She teared up as she in return told me that she was standing there, outside the store with her eyes lifted to heaven praying that someone would help them.

The Map
Since then I have imagined my own version of what might have happened in heaven. An image comes to mind of a map of the city and I am a flashing dot on one end of the map and she was perhaps a flashing dot on the other end of the map and someone up in heaven said “Why don’t we send that one over there.” pointing to my flashing dot.  Here I was with a ready heart wanting to serve, wanting to be inspired and a few miles away she was a girl in a new country, who didn’t speak English and she was in need. We shared the same faith and the same trust in our Father in Heaven and our prayers brought us together.

We corresponded a bit after this and she invited my husband and me to a delicious Peruvian home cooked dinner with her extended family. There she gave me a present. I wasn’t sure what to say or do when I opened it and found a beautiful crystal punch bowl with hearts on it. (It is packed away right now since we are moving or I would have posted a picture.) It was a gesture of gratitude from her. I treasure that bowl and every time I look at it I think of the love that the Lord had not only for her but for me. In the end I was the blessed one. Even though her prayer for help was answered so was mine. I got to experience the most exquisite joy and honor of being led by the Lord. By this experience and more like it I know that when our hearts are open, when we are ready and willing He does lead us to serve. I guess you never know when someone is waiting.

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