Sunday, April 27, 2014

Kid's Schedule Time

Having 5 boys is not an easy task but having a set schedule makes it much easier.

Here is the schedule that we start our boys with at kindergarten.

We have a picture only schedule that we do before that. It helped me a lot to see what other people were doing before we set ours up and we went through a process trying to figure out what worked best. This works for us.

I put this list in a plastic magnetic picture holder that we put on the fridge and the kids used dry erase markers to check it off. Now they just do if from memory most of the time. It is nice to say "Do your morning schedule." Instead of running through each little thing.


  1. Will you email this to me? Pretty please? :) I like it!

  2. Merri we have a new updated version on my husbands computer. I will email it over when I get a chance to sneak is computer away :)


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